The Nuragic Monument Su Tempiesu
La fonte sacra Su Tempiesu si trova in Barbagia ed è un monumento nuragico di straordinaria bellezza situato nei dintorni di Orune, in provincia di Nuoro, nella Sardegna centrale, nella località conosciuta con il nome di sa Costa ‘e Sa Binza.
Su Tempiesu is an archaeological site that can be easily reached from the village of Orune by about 4-5 km of paved road. To see the monument, which dates back to the Bronze Age, one must then walk a stretch of road.
What to see at Su Tempiesu
the nuragic monument
the sacred spring
the botanical trail
the wildlife trail
The Su Tempiesu archaeological site in Orune is an extraordinarily well-kept oasis where one can admire a multitude of artefacts and natural elements.
A perfect archaeological site and for lovers of nature and the discovery of little-known places.
The monument and the sacred spring
One of the most striking aspects of the Su Tempiesu archaeological site is undoubtedly the sacred spring, which can be reached via a botanical footpath that takes about 15 minutes to walk
The Botanical Path
Una deliziosa passeggiata nel bosco dove è possibile ammirare specie botaniche endemiche e tipiche della macchia mediterranea come il ginepro e il mirto. Le piante sono facilmente individuabili grazie alla presenta di una dettagliata cartellonistica.
The Wildlife Trail
After the visit to the sacred spring, the walk up the wildlife trail takes about 20-30 minutes. Along the way, signs illustrating and describing the animals in the forest can be admired.
Su Tempiesu Archaeological Site Photos
See photographs of one of the most evocative archaeological sites in Orune, Sardinia, surrounded by unspoilt woodland
Where Su Tempiesu is located
Su Tempiesu si trova nel territorio di Orune in Barbagia ed è facilmente raggiungibile in macchina da Olbia, Nuoro, Cala Gonone, Oristano
Su Tempiesu opening hours
Tempiesu winter timetable
Daily from Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tempiesu summer timetable
Daily from Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
access by ticket only
no climbing on structures
do not litter the area
Su Tempiesu ticket prices
Le tariffe per l’acquisto del biglietto per l’accesso al sito sono:
Full price ticket Adults: € 5.00
Reduced Ticket 12-16 years (High School): € 2.00
Ticket Children 6-12 years (primary and secondary school): € 1.50
For up-to-date info and rates visit Su Tempiesu
Images archaeological site Su Tempiesu
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